Concerning the current financial situation of our nation, a previous Bank of England governor was quoted as saying “Christmas was good, but we won’t know how good until Easter.”
… infinitely better applied to the birth, life, death and resurrection of the only Saviour of sinners, from our deserved eternal punishment. The eternal Son of God, The Lord Jesus Christ, who made that greatest stoop, coming down from Heaven, where all was light and love, into this dark and sinful world, becoming flesh on that first Christmas.
For thirty three years, Jesus Christ lived the only perfect holy, sinless life, becoming the only One who was ever willing and able to be that one wholly acceptable sacrifice for the sins of all who would repent and believe His Gospel. At Easter, He laid down His life, made sin for our sin, and His perfect sacrifice was fully accepted by His Father, rising triumphant from His grave.
Dear visitor, through Jesus Christ alone you can accept this full and free forgiveness of your sin problem. Please do so TODAY, while there is still time. You will never regret having The Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, and knowing the peace and joy of your sins forever washed away through His precious cleansing blood that was shed on The Cross for you.
Hallelujah, what a Saviour!
Merry Christmas, one and all!
Excellent Christmas message!!!!Spot on.!!!May we all take heed!!